
发布时间:2016-03-14       浏览次数:1849       文章来源:

General (總類) 1 ) He who has health has hope. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒 2 ) Liberty is the right to do everything which the laws allow. 自由就是在法律允許下的範圍下有權做任何事 3 ) Two heads are better than one. 三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 4 ) Misery loves company. (It never rains but pours.) 禍不單行 5 ) It is better to win the peace and to lose the war. 寧願贏得和平而輸掉戰爭 6 ) God's mill grinds slow but sure. . 天網恢恢,疏而不漏 7 ) It takes all sorts to make a world. 一種米養百種人 ( 世界是形形色色的人所組成的) 8 ) There are two sides to every question. 每個問題都有正反兩面看法 ( 公說公有禮,婆說婆有禮) 9 ) Rome was not built in a day. 羅馬不是一天造成的 10) Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信是成功的第一祕訣 11) Every man has his taste. 人各有所好 12) Experience is the extract of suffering. .經驗是由痛苦中粹取出來的 13) Imagination is more important than knowledge. 想像力比知識更重要 14) Words cut more than swords. 舌劍利於刀劍 15) The leopard cannot change his spots. / Leopards cannot change their spots. 江山易改,本性難移 16) The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth. 心靈的財富才是唯一真正的財富 17) Love makes the world go round. 愛使世界運轉 18) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼裡出西施 19) Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in same direction. .愛並不在於彼此相對 20) Failure is the mother of success. / Failure teaches success. 失敗乃成功之母 21) Life is not merely living but living in health. ..生活不只要活,而且要活的健康 22) There is no rose without a thorn. ..朵朵玫瑰皆有刺 (沒有十全十美的人生) 23) What you really value is what you miss, not what you have. 人真正珍惜的是未得到的,而不是所擁有的 24) Trust men and they will be true to you. 相信他們,他們才會對你忠誠( 信人者人恆信之) 25) An eye for an eye, and we will all go blind. 以牙還牙,兩敗俱傷 (以眼還眼使我們全都瞎眼) 26) A bad penny always comes back. 惡有惡報 27) Pardon is the most glorious revenge. 寬恕是最偉大的報復. 28) Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. 保持耐性是痛苦的,但它的果實是甜美的 29) He who has hope has everything. ..擁有希望的人擁有一切 30) Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. .....沒有熱誠難成大事 31) Time flies. 時光飛逝 32) Time is money. 時間就是金錢 33) Tomorrow never comes. 明天永不來 34) Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 35) Unity is strength. 團結就是力量 36) Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量 37) Might is right. 強權就是公理 38) Live and learn. 活到老,學到老 39) Haste makes waste. 欲速則不達 40) Seeing is believing. 百聞不如一見 41) An uncut gem goes not sparkle. 玉不琢,不成器。 42) It is as well to know which way the wind blows. 識時務者為俊傑。 43) Sow nothing, reap nothing. 無功不受祿 。 44) A word once spoken can never be recalled. 一言既出,駟馬難追。 45) To entertain an angel unawares. 有眼不識泰山。 46) While the grass grows the horse starves. 遠水解不了近渴 。 47) If you live with a lame person you will learn to limp. 近朱者赤 近墨者黑。 48) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日畢 49) Give him an inch and he'll take a yard. 得寸進尺 50) It is more blessed to give than to receive. 施比受更有福 Absence and Presence (在與不在) 1.Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones. 離別削減小愛,卻增添大愛。 2. Absence is mother of disillusion. 疏離是覺悟之母。 3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小別情更濃。小別勝新婚。 4. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚愛益切,離別情更深。. 5. Absent in body, but present in spirit. 。 肉身雖不在,精神卻不死。永垂不朽 6. Far from eye, far from heart. 離眼遠,離心遠。 眼不見,心不念。 7. He that fears you present will hate you absent. 在你面前怕你的人,在你背後恨你。 8. If a person is away, his right is away. [Moorish Proverb] 人若不在場,他的權利就會喪失。(摩爾諺語) 9. Long absence changes a friend. 久別朋友變。 10. Long absent, soon forgotten. 久別情疏。 11. Man are best loved farthest off. 相隔最遙遠的人最為人疼愛。 12. Out of sight, out of mind. OR Far from eye, far from heart. 眼不見,心不念。 13. Salt water and absence wash away love. 遠離久別,恩情疏。 14. The absent are always in the wrong. 誰人背後無人說,哪個人前不說人。 15. The absent are never with fault, nor the present without excuse. 缺席者絕對沒有不對,出席者也不會沒有藉口。 16. When the cat's away, the mice will play. 貓兒不在,老鼠做怪。閻王不在,小鬼做怪。 17. Who takes a lion when he is absent, fears a mouse present. 。 趁獅子不在時取而代之者, 卻怕老鼠的存在。 18. Never try to prove what nobody doubts. 此地無銀三百兩。 Actions and Words (行動與空談) 1. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 一個光說不做的人好像一個花園,裏面長滿都是野草。 2. A word before is worth two behind. 事前一句勝過事後兩句 3. A word is enough to the wise. 智者一點就明 4. A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 一言既出,如箭射出。 5. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. 行動是知識的卓越果實。 6. Better to sail slowly than not to sail at all. 完全停滯不前不如慢慢駛向前。 7. Brave actions never want a trumpet. 英勇的行為永遠不需要吹噓。 8. Business is the salt of life; business and action strengthen the brain. 商務是生命之鹽,商務和行動增強腦力。 9. Deeds are males, and words are females. 「做」是男人的事,「說」是女人的事。 10. Deeds, not words. 在於行動,不在於言語。說得到,做得到。言出必行。 11. Few words are best. 少說為妙。 12. Fine words butter no parsnips. 花言巧語不能滋潤防風草。口惠而實不至。 13. Fine words dress ill deeds. 巧言藏惡行。好話說盡,壞事做盡。說一套,做一套。 14. Good words cost nothing, but are worth much. [Thomas Fuller] 良言本無價,其貴值千金。(富勒) 15. Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds. 口惠而實不至。 17. Hard words break no bones. 惡言傷不到人心。笑罵由他笑罵。 18. He is noble who feels and acts nobly. 顯貴的人總是思想崇高和舉止優雅。 19. He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon. 花言巧語的人常以空匙餵人。巧言令色鮮矣仁。 Advice and Counsel (忠告與建議 ) 1. A woman’s advice is no great thing, but he who won’t take it is a fool. 女人的忠告雖不是怎麼大不了的事,若不接受,便是傻瓜。 2. Advice is a stranger, if welcome he stays for the night; if not welcome he returns home the same day. [African Proverb] 忠告是一位陌生客,若受歡迎,則停留過夜;不受歡迎,當天就要回家。(非洲諺語) 3. Advice when most needed is least heeded. 良言於最需要時最不受重視。忠言逆耳。 4. Advice whispered is worthless. 竊竊私語的忠告毫無價值可言。 5. An enemy may chance to give good counsel. 敵人也可能給人好的忠告。 6. Anger and haste hinder good counsel. 憤怒和急迫足以誤大計。小不忍則亂大謀。 7. Come not to counsel uncalled. 人之患在好為人師。 8. Counsel is to be given by the wise, the remedy by the rich. 忠告一定來自智者,救助一定來自富人。 9. Counsel must be followed, not praised. 忠告一定要遵守,不是要稱讚。 10. Counsel without help is useless. 沒有實質幫助的忠告亳無用處。 11. Counsels in wine seldom prosper. 酒杯空言少見成效。 12. Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 別班門弄斧。 13. Good counsel has no price. (Good counsel is beyond price.) 良言乃無價之寶。 14. Good counsel never comes amiss. 好的忠告絕不會出差錯。 15. Good counsel never comes too late. 好的忠告絕不會來得太晚。 16. If the counsel be good, no matter who gave it. 計策若佳則勿問策劃者是誰。從善如流。 17. If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 老馬識途。 18. Ill counsel mars all. 不好的忠告損毀一切。 19. One gives nothing so liberally as advice. (Nothing is given so freely as advice.) 沒有任何東西像忠告那麼慷慨。 20. Self is a bad counselor. 利己心是最壞的顧問。自私非上策。 Ambition and Zeal(雄心與熱誠) Ambition loses many a man. 。 野心使許多人失敗 Ambition makes people diligent. 。 雄心使人勤勉 Zeal, when it is a virtue, is a dangerous one. 。 把熱誠當作美德是危險的 Zeal without prudence is frenzy. 。 熱誠不夠謹慎猶若瘋狂 Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 熱心有餘,知識不足。志大才疏猶如脫韁之馬。 Zeal too often lacks discretion. 熱心有餘,審慎不足。 Zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools. 熱誠只適宜於智者,但熱誠多半在愚者身上。 To do one thing well is a worthy ambition. 把一件事做好,這就是一個有價值的雄心。 The higher the mountain, the greater descent. 山愈高,峭壁愈陡。爬得愈高,跌得愈深。 The best is the enemy of the good. 「 最好」往往成為「好」的敵人。(目標太高反而失敗。) Seek mickle, and get something; seek little, and get nothing. 尋找多一些,就得著一些。尋找少一些,就一無所得。 Seek and ye shall find. [Matthew 7:7] 尋找,就尋見。(馬太福音7:7) Better ride on an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me. 騎馬摔一跤不如騎驢往前走。 He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill. 固步自封。 Nothing is difficult to a man whom ambition fires. 對於雄心萬丈的人來說,世上沒有難成的事。 Appearance and Heart (外表與內心) 1. A clear conscience is like a coat of mail. 平生不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚。 2. Handsome is that handsome does. 心美,貌亦美。 3. A fair face may hide a foul heart. (Fair face, foul heart.) 漂亮的面孔可能藏著一顆齷齪的心。人面獸心。 4. A good conscience is a safe pillow. 良心清白,安枕無憂。 5. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. 作賊心虛。多行不義必自斃,多走夜路必遇鬼。 6. A heavy purse makes a light heart. 錢包飽滿,心情輕鬆。 7. A honey tongue, a heart of gall. 口蜜腹劍。笑裏藏刀。佛口蛇心。 8. A light purse makes a heavy heart. 錢包薄薄,心情沉重。 9. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 平生不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚。 10. A straight stick is crooked in the water. 直棍水中曲。 11. All are not saints that go to church. 上教堂的人未必個個都是聖人。 12. All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。(不可一概而論。) 13. All that glitters is not gold. 發亮的不一定全是金子。金玉其外,敗絮其中。虛有其表。 14. Apparel makes the man. 人靠衣裳,馬靠鞍裝。 15. Appearances are deceptive. 外表是靠不住的。 16. Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails. 口裏含著花蜜的蜜蜂,尾巴卻有螫。口蜜腹劍。笑裏藏刀。 17. Clothes do not make the man. 衣冠不能造人品。人不可以貌相。 18. Conscience does make cowards of us all. [William Shakespeare] 良心的自責使大家變成了懦夫。(莎士比亞) 19. Faint heart never won fair lady. 懦弱的人永遠無法贏得美人的歡心。 20. Far from eye, far from heart. 離眼遠,離心遠。眼不見,心不念。 21. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. 酒肉賓朋,柴米夫妻。 22. An uncut gem goes not sparkle. 玉不琢,不成器。 Beauty and Ugliness (美與醜) 1. A fair woman without virtue is like palled wine. 美女無德如酒無味。 2. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. [John Keats] 美的事物是永恆的喜悅。(濟慈) 3. All cats are grey in the dark. 貓在黑暗中通通都是灰色的。 4. Beauty and honesty seldom agree. 美貌和貞潔難得和睦相處。美女多不貞。 5. Beauty and wisdom rarely go together. [German Proverb] 美麗與才智鮮能兼備。美女多不智。(德國諺語) 6. Beauty fades like a flower. 紅顏薄命。 7. Beauty is but skin deep. 美麗只是膚淺的東西。美貌只是外表而已。 8. Beauty is eloquent even when silent. 甚至在靜默的時候,美麗也是口若懸河。 9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼裏出西施。 10. Beauty is the child of love. 情人眼裏出西施。 11. Beauty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit. 美麗長出漂亮的葉子,卻生出苦辣的果實。 12. Beauty’s sister is vanity, and its daughter lust. 美麗的姐妹是虛榮,她的女兒是情慾。 13. Beauty’s tears are lovelier than her smiles. 美人的眼淚比她的微笑更可愛。 14. Fair face, foul heart. 人面獸心。 15. Fair faces need no paint. 美麗的容貌用不著塗脂抹粉。 16. Fair without and foul (false) within. 金玉其外,敗絮其中。繡花枕頭。 17. Grace will last, beauty will blast. 神的恩典永不止息; 人的美麗終會凋謝。 18. Handsome is what (that, as) handsome does. 有德才是美。善行重於美貌。 19. If Jack’s in love, he’s no judge of Jill’s beauty. 情人眼裏出西施。 20. Pretty face, poor fate. [Chinese Proverb] 自古紅顏多薄命。(中國諺語) Big and Small (大與小) 1. A big man is usually a little man, who takes advantage of an opportunity. 所謂大人物,只是懂得利用機會的小人物。 2. A great tree attracts the wind. 樹大招風。 3. A little body often harbors a great soul. 偉大的靈魂常寓於短小的驅體。 4. A little help is worth a deal of pity. 濟弱扶困勝於同情。 5. A little pot is soon hot. 器小易盈。心胸狹隘。人窮志短。 6. A little spark may kindle a great fire. 星星之火可能釀成大火。 7. A little wariness prevents great weariness. 一點點的謹慎避免莫大的疲勞。 8. A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫釐,差之千里。 9. A small leak will sink a great ship. 小小的漏洞可以弄沉一艘大船。牽一髮,動全身。 10. Eagles do not catch flies. 大雞不吃細米。 11. Every great thing is nothing but a lot of little ones. 每一件大事只不過是由無數的小事所綴成的。 12. Every little helps. 一點一滴都有助益。 13. Every oak has been an acorn. 千里之行,始於足下。由小到大。 14. Feather by feather the goose is plucked. 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。 15. For want of a nail, the shoe is lost; for want of a shoe, the horse is lost; for want of a horse, the rider is lost. 千里之堤,潰於蟻穴。 Beginning and Ending (開始與結局) 1. A good beginning makes a good ending. 有好的開始才有好的結局。善始者必善終。 2. A hard beginning makes a good ending. 先苦後甜。 3. All good things must come to an end. 天下無不散之筵席。 4. All things are difficult before they are easy. 萬事起頭難。 5. All’s well that ends well. 結局好,一切都好。吉人自有天相。 6. An ill beginning, an ill ending. 不善始者不善終。 7. At the game’s end, we shall see who gains. 比賽結束後,方見得勝者。 8. Bad beginnings have ever bad endings. 惡始必有惡終。不慎始者,常得惡果。 9. Everything has an end. 凡事都會結束 10. Everything must have a beginning. 凡事都有個開頭。 11. Good to begin well, better to end well. 有好的開始是不錯的,堅持到底更重要。 12. He who begins many things, finishes but few. 樣樣事只有開始,到頭來一事無成。 13. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 九層之台,起於累土。千里之行,始於足下。 Black and White(黑與白) A black hen lays a white egg. 烏雞生白蛋。醜婦生俊兒。 A black plum is as sweet as a white. 烏梅白梅一樣甘甜。管它黑貓白貓,抓到老鼠便是好貓。 A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. 江山易改,本性難移。 After black clouds, clear weather. 烏雲散去天轉晴。 Death is the black camel that kneels before every door. 死亡像一頭黑駱駝,在每一家門前下跪。 Every bean has its black. 人人都有缺點。金無赤金,人無完人。 Every white hath its black, and every sweet its sour. 有白必有黑,有甜必有苦。每樣事物都有其缺陷。 He that has a white horse and a fair wife, never wants trouble. 擁有一匹白馬和漂亮太太的人,永遠不會缺少煩惱。 He that touches pitch shall be defiled. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 If the master says the crow is white, the servants must not say 'tis black. 主人若說烏鴉是白,僕人不該說它是黑。 The devil is not so black as he is painted. 魔鬼並不如人所說的那麼壞。過甚其詞。 The fairer the paper, the fouler the blot. 黑白分明。 The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。半斤八兩。 There is no wool so white but a dyer can make it black. 人非聖賢,孰能無過。 There's a black sheep in every flock. 任何群體,總有害群之馬。樹大有枯枝,族大有乞兒。 Books and Library(圖書與圖書館) A book that is shut, is but a block. 書本備而不閱,猶如木片毫無益處。開卷有益。 A good book is a light to the soul. 一本好書是靈魂之光。 A good book is the best of friends, the same today, and forever. 一本好書是最好的朋友,現在如此,永遠如此。 A library is a repository of medicine for the mind. 圖書館是治療精神之病院。 A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent. 一本不良的書籍比壞人更壞,因為它不知悔過。 By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. 讀書使心智豐富,交談使心智明亮。 Books and friends should be few and well chosen. 書籍和朋友,貴精不貴多。多不如少,少不如好。 Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom. [George William Curtis] 書籍乃世人累積智慧之不滅明燈。(寇蒂斯) Every man is a volume if you know how to read him. 每一個人都是一卷書,只要你懂得如何閱讀它。 Good books need no boost. 好書無需誇耀。 Some books leave us free and some books make us free. 有些書給我們自由,有些書則使我們自由。 That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 好書開卷時引人入勝,終卷時使人獲益。 You cannot tell a book by its cover. 不能從封面了解書的內容。凡事不可貌相。 Borrowing and Begging(借貸與乞求) A beggar can never be bankrupt. 乞兒不會破產。 A beggar cannot be a chooser. 討飯難揀嘴。饑餓難擇食。鹿死不擇蔭。 A beggar pays a benefit with a louse. 以怨報德。 Beggar's bags are bottomless. 窮起來不怕錢多。 Better beg than steal. 求乞總好過偷竊。 Better buy than borrow. 「借」不如「買」的好。 Better die a beggar than live a beggar. 不食嗟來之食。 Borrowed garments never fit well. 借來的外套不合適。 Borrowing is not much better than begging. [Lessing] 借錢無異於求乞。(萊興) First you borrow, then you beg. [Ernest Hemingway] 先是向人借貸,後來向人乞求。(海明威) He learned timely to beg that could not say "Nay". 學會在適當的時候向人請求,就不會被拒絕。 He that borrows binds himself with his neighbor's rope. 向人借錢的人,就是用鄰居的繩子把自己捆綁。 He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing. 有債便有愁。 Idleness is the key of beggary. 懶惰是求乞的主要因素。 If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. 假如願望都能實現,乞丐都會發財。 Bravery and Courage (勇敢與勇氣) 1. A bold heart is half the battle. 勇敢是勝利的一半。 2. A brave and honest man will speak out. 一個勇敢和誠實的人大膽說話。 3. A brave arm makes a short sword long. 一個勇敢的人,手中的短刃也會變成長劍。 4. A brave man’s wounds are seldom on his back. 一個勇敢的人背部很少受到傷害。 5. A bully is always a coward. 欺負弱小的人膽子最小。欺善怕惡。 6. A cock is always bold on its own dunghill. 公雞在自己的糞堆上稱雄。狗是百步王,只在門前狠。 7. A man of courage never wants weapons. 一個有勇氣的人絕不會缺少武器。 8. A valiant man’s look is more than a coward’s sword. 橫眉冷對千夫指。 9. Bold men have generous heart. 勇敢的人都有寬宏大量的心腸。 10. Brave actions never want a trumpet. 英勇的行為永遠不需吹噓。 Business and Trade(商務與貿易) A handful of trade is a handful of gold. 一把貿易,一把黃金。 A hundred tricks are not so good as one well-learned trade. 百藝無如一藝精。 A Jack of all trades is master of none. 萬事通,無事精通。周身刀沒把利。 A trade is better than service. 買賣勝於服務。 A useful trade is a mine of gold. 有用的貿易猶如金礦。 Best is cheapest. 最好的東西最便宜。 Business before pleasure. (Business first and pleasure after.) 先談生意,再談娛樂。 Business is business. 在商言商。公事公辦。 Business is the best sport in the world. 商務是世界上最好的戶外活動。 Business is the salt of life; business and action strengthen the brain. 商務是生命之鹽;商務和行動增強腦力。 Business knowledge cannot be bought. It can only be acquired by long study. 商務的知識不是用金錢買來的。它是經過長時間學來的。 Capital, labor, and brains -- and all as equally essential in business as each leg of a three-legged stool. 資本,勞工,和腦力在商務上同樣重要,猶如三腳架上的每一隻腳。 Cheap things are never very good. 便宜貨絕不是好東西。 Courtesy is the lubricant which oils the wheels of business. 禮貌是商務巨輪的潤滑油。 Despatch is the soul of business. 辦事以迅速為貴。 Cause and Effect(因與果) Anger is the cause of sin. 憤怒乃犯罪之因。 As you brew, so must you drink. 自食其果。 As you sow, so you reap. (As a man sows, so shall he reap.) 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。一分耕耘,一分收穫。 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 自作自受。作繭自縛。 Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed. 三思而後行。 Every why has a wherefore. 事出必有因。 Look before you leap. 三思而後行。 No cross, no crown. 沒有痛苦的十字架,那有榮耀的冠冕。不受磨難不成佛。 No smoke without fire. (There is no smoke without fire.) (Where there's smoke, there's fire.) 無火那有煙。無風不起浪。事出必有因。 One good turn deserves another. 種善因,得善果。善有善報。 One wrong thought may cause a life-long regret. 一失足成千古恨。 Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. [Hosea 8:7] (They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.) 他們所種的是風,所收的是暴風。(何西亞書8:7) Take away the cause, and the effect must cease. 沒有因,那有果。 Think before you act. 三思而後行。 Chance and Opportunity(機會與時機) A bad padlock invites picklock. 壞鎖惹來撬鎖人。(予人可趁之機。) When fortune smiles, embrace her. 當命運之神向你微笑時,就應擁抱祂。 Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them. 弱者等待機會,強者創造機會。 The man who loses his opportunities loses himself. [George Moore] 失去機會的人就失去了自身。(摩爾) Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. [Robert Herrick] 花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝。(赫里克) Take time when time comes. 當時機來臨時,就應把握它。 Strike while the iron is hot. 打鐵趁熱。 Opportunity seldom knocks twice. 機會很少會敲兩次門。福無重至。 Opportunity makes the thief. 有機可趁,盜賊四起。 Opportunity comes often to the man who is ready for it. 機會總是衝著做好準備的人而來。 Make hay while the sun shines. 趁著陽光普照,把秝草灑乾。趁機行事莫蹉跎。 It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 錯失良機,悔之恨晚。 It chances in an hour, that happens not in seven years. 一小時的偶然機會,七年內再也不會出現。千載難逢。 Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. 順風駛帆。(勿失良機。) He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay. 能做而不去做,等到想做的時候便沒有機會去做。 Character and Manners(品性與態度) A good character is better than a good fortune. 好的品德勝過於一筆豐厚的財產。 Meat is much, but manner is more. 衣食足而後禮義興。 Manners make the man. 儀表造人品。一表人才。 Manners make often fortunes. 禮貌常使人致富。 Manners and money make a gentleman. 貌和金錢塑造名流。 It is not good manners to show your learning before ladies. 在女士面前炫耀自己的學問是失禮的。 It is bad manners to stare at one in the face. 瞪著別人的臉來看是沒有禮貌的。 Great manners are attractive. 良好的禮貌是誘人的。好禮貌,吸引人。 Good manners like good words, cost nothing, and are worth everything. 良好的禮貌猶如良言,雖是一文不值,卻是價值連城。 Good manners are the fine flowers of civilization. 良好的禮貌是文明的漂亮花朵。 Character is what makes one man stand out more prominently than another. 一個人的德性使他與眾不同。。 Full of courtesy, full of craft. 禮多必詐 Evil communications corrupt good manners. [I Corinthians 15:33] 濫交是敗壞善行。(哥林多前書15:33) Character is the first and last word in the success circle. With it you have riches no money can buy. Without it you are a pauper. 品德是成功的始末。擁有它,就擁有金錢買不到的財富。 缺少了它,就成為貧民,一無所有。 Character in a man creates an impression. 一個人的個性塑造了他的形象。 Come and Go(來與去) Wrong never comes right. 錯誤終究是錯誤,絕不會變成正確。 Who will go far must go slow. [German Proverb] 跑得慢,跑得遠。慢慢划船先登岸。(德國諺語) Who comes uncalled, sits unserved. (He that comes unbidden goes unthanked.) 不速之客,不受歡迎。 Where the needle goes, the thread follows. 嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗。 When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. 兩雄相遇,必有激鬥。強中更有強中手,惡人自有惡人磨。 What's bred in the bone comes out in the flesh. 江山易改,本性難移。 Tomorrow never comes. 明日永不再。 Thursday comes, and the week is gone. 當禮拜四到來時,這一週也快結束。 There comes nought out of the sack but what was there. 大勢已去。 狗嘴吐不出象牙。 The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down. 世界好像是一把梯子,有人向上爬,有人往下跑。 有人掛冠歸故里,有人臨夜趕科場。 The weakest goes to the wall. 最軟弱的人處處碰壁。弱肉強食。 Repentance comes too late. 後悔莫及。悔之已晚。 Take things as they come. 既來之則安之。 The sluggard's convenient season never comes. 春天不是讀書天,夏日炎炎正好眠, 等到秋來冬又至,收拾書包待明年。 Men come and pass; mountains stay forever. 生生死死,青山依舊。 Customs and Habits(習俗與習慣) With customs we live well, but laws undo us. 風俗使我們的生活美滿,法律卻破壞我們的美滿生活。 Use doth breed a habit. 實踐生習慣。 So many countries, so many customs. 各國風俗,各有不同。 Pursuits become habits. 因循會變成習慣。 Old habits die hard. 舊習慣很難戒掉。 Old customs are best. 舊風俗最好。 Men do more things through habit than through reason. 人做事經常由於習慣多過於理性。 Indolence is about the worst habit a man can form. 怠惰大概是一個人所養成的最壞習慣。 Habits are great helps or great hindrances. 習慣帶給人類許多的幫助,也帶來許多的阻礙。 Good habits are the best friends of man. 良好的習慣是人的良友。 Habit is a friend or foe. 習慣,不是朋友,就是敵人。 Great is the force of habit. [Latin Proverb] 習慣的力量相當大。(拉丁諺語) Every one has his particular habit. [Latin Proverb] 每個人都有其獨特的習慣。(拉丁諺語) Every one has his own custom. 每個人都有自己的習慣。 Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗。 Doctor and Medicine(醫生與醫藥) When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out. 陽光進來,醫生離去。 There is no medicine for fear. 恐懼是沒有藥物可以治療的。 There is no medicine for a fool. [French Proverb] 傻瓜是無藥可救的。(法國諺語) The wise will not rely on medicine for keeping their health. 有智慧的人不依賴藥物來維持健康。 The windows open more will keep the doctor from the door. 窗戶常打開,醫生快離開。 The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease. 醫生常常比疾病更可怕。 The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman. 最好的醫師就是飲食,安靜,和快樂。 Repentance is the heart's medicine. [German Proverb] 懊悔是醫治心靈的良藥。(德國諺語) Repentance is a pill unwillingly swallowed. 懊悔是一顆人們不願意吞服的藥丸。 Repentance is a bitter physic. 懊悔是苦藥。 Medicines are not meat to live by. 藥物不像肉類可以賴以為生。 Laughter is the best medicine. 歡笑是最好的良藥。 If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; but if he kills, the earth hides it. 醫得了病,醫不了命。 Good medicine is bitter to the mouth. [Chinese Proverb] 良藥苦口利於病。(中國諺語) Diet cures more than a doctor. 食物治療勝過於醫生的治療。 Early and Late(早與晚) 1. The early man never borrows from the late man. 早起三朝當一工,免得求人落下封。 2.The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鳥有蟲吃。莫道君行早,更有早行人。 3. Sooner begun, sooner done. 速戰速決。 4. Soon ripe, soon rotten. 早熟早爛。 5. It is too late to spare when the bottom is bare. 臨堤走馬收韁晚,船到江心補漏遲。 6. It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. 等到馬兒跑掉才關門,為時已晚。亡羊補牢,後悔已晚。 7. He who works before dawn will soon be his own master. 黎明前做工的人將做自己的主人。 8. He that will thrive must rise at five. 若要飛黃騰達,五點須起床。 9. He that rises late, must trot all day. 晚起床的人必須整天都要急步疾走。 10. He is never too late to mend. 改過不嫌遲。亡羊補牢,未為晚也。 11. Better late than never. 遲到總比不到好。早播種,早收成。先下米,先吃飯。 12. Early sow, early mow. 早種早收,可以用來形容勤勞工作的人。 (早開始是成功的保證。) 13. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 早上一小時抵過晚上兩小時。一日之計在於晨。 14. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 睡得早起得早,聰明富裕身體好。 15. Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark. 日出而作,日入而息。 16. All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 有情人終成眷屬。 Education and Experience(教育與經驗) Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。談虎色變。心有餘悸。 Old birds are not caught with chaff. 老雀不易受騙。 Experience without learning is better than learning without experience. 沒有學問的經驗勝過沒有經驗的學問。 Experience is what a man does with what happens to him. 經驗是一個人處理他所遭遇過的經歷。 經一事,長一智。 Experience is the mother of wisdom. 經驗乃智慧之母。 Experience is the mistress of fools. 經驗是愚者之師。經一事,長一智。 Experience is a precious gift, only given a man when his hair is gone. [Turkish Proverb] 經驗是一件珍貴禮品,衹獻給頭髮脫落的人。(土耳其諺語) A painful experience makes us cautious in the future. 痛苦的經驗使我們將來更為謹慎。 Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 教育是成為紳士的第一步,而談吐則畢其成。 Experience is a school from which no one can never graduate. 經驗是一所人人都能畢業的學校。 Education polishes good natures, and corrects bad ones. 教育修飾良好的本性,矯正不良的本性。 Experience is a dear school, but fools learn in no other. 吃虧學乖代價高,笨漢非此學不好。 Crooked by nature is never made straight by education. 天生扭曲者,無法因教育變直。 An investment in education pays the best dividends. 投資教育將來一定有好處。 Experience is the best teacher. 經驗乃最佳的良師。經一事,長一智。 Example and Precept(身教與言教) 1. Where the dam leaps over, the kid follows. 上行下效。 2. We live by laws, not by examples. 我們是以法律為依歸,不是以個人的典範為依歸。 3. The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve. 托缽僧勸人勿偷盜,袖子裡卻藏著一隻鵝。監守自盜。(口是心非,言行相悖。) 4. Teach others by thy examples. 教人須以身作則。 5. Precepts may lead and examples draw. 教訓能指引人;實踐能推動人。 6. Precept begins, example accomplishes. 以教訓來開始,以實踐來完成。 7. Practice what you preach. (Practice what one preaches.) 躬行己說。言出必行。 8. One sheep follows another. 羊群彼此倣效。 9.No marvel if the imps follow when the devil goes before. 魔鬼帶頭,難怪小鬼紛紛跟隨。 10. It is well to profit by the folly of others. 前車可鑒。 11. If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow. 一羊跳過水溝,眾羊相繼跟隨。 12. Do unto others as you would they should do unto you. [Luke 6:31] 你們願意人怎樣待你們,你們也要怎樣待人。(路加福音6:31) 13. He preaches well that lives well. 言行一致。 14. Example is better than precept. 身教重於言教。 15. Do as I say, not as I do. 照著我的話去做,不要跟著我去做。(本身言行不符,卻要他人遵循其言而行 Fame and Honor(聲譽與榮譽) 1. Who that in youth, no virtue uses, in age all honor him refuses. 行善不趁少年時,休想晚年享榮華。 2. Where there is no honor there is no grief. 沒有榮譽,就沒有苦惱。 3. There is honor among thieves. 盜亦有道。 4. There are many ways to fame. 行行出狀元。 5. Reputation is often got without merit, and lost without crime. 無功得來的聲望卻常因無過而失去。 6. One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name. 在一小時的生命裡充滿著榮耀勝過一輩子過著寂寂無名的生活。 7. Notoriety is often mistaken for fame. 聲名狼籍常被誤認為鼎鼎大名。 8. Honors change manners. [Latin Proverb] 聲譽改變人的態度。(拉丁諺語) 9. Honor without profit is a ring on the finger. 沒有好處的榮譽猶如指頭上的戒指。 10. Honor shows the man. 榮譽表現人品。 11. He who leaves the fame of good works after him does not die. 生前留下好名聲的人,死後其精神永遠不死。 12. Honor is the reward of virtue. [Latin Proverb] 有美德者必享美譽。(拉丁諺語) 13. Honor can only be purchased by worth actions. 榮譽只能用有價值的作為才可收購。 14. Honor buys no beef in the market. 榮譽買不到市場上的牛肉。 15. Honor brings responsibility. [Latin Proverb] 榮譽帶來責任。(拉丁諺語) Fire and Water(火與水) 1.You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink. 牛不喝水按不住牛頭低。 2. You cannot get water (blood) out of a stone. 石頭榨不出水來。老糠榨不出油來。(比喻硬心腸的人不會幫助別人。) 3. When the heart is a fire, some sparks will fly out of the mouth. 心裡有什麼,嘴裏總要洩露出來。 4. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (We never miss the water till the water runs dry.) 井枯方知水重要。身在福中不知福。 5. Water is the king of food. [African Proverb] 水是食物之王。(非洲諺語) 6. Water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it. (水在沙漠中是人的恩物,快淹死的人卻咒詛它。) 需要隨環境而異。 7. Water afar off quencheth not fire. 遠水救不了近火。 8. Violent fires soon burn out. 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生。 9. Under water, famine, under snow, bread. 洪水泛濫有飢荒,雪花飄落有糧食。 10. Too much water drowned the miller. 過猶不及。 11. Three removes are as bad as a fire. 。 上屋搬下屋,都要拋掉一籮穀。一搬三窮 12. Those who drink but water will have no liquor to buy. 只喝白開水的人用不著買酒。 13. There is no smoke without fire. 無火那有煙。無風不起浪。事出必有因。 14. The straws floating upon the waters show how the stream runs. 草動知風向。觀微知著。 15. The smoke of a man’s own country is better than the fire of another’s. 敝帚自珍。 16. Pour water into a sieve. 竹籃打水一場空。 17. A drop in the bucket! (一桶水裡的一滴)杯水車薪 Fortune and Misfortune(幸與不幸) 1. Yield not to misfortunes. [Latin Proverb] 不要向惡運低頭。(拉丁諺語) 2. The worse luck now, the better another time. 這回倒楣,下回走運。十年風水輪流轉。 3. The footsteps of fortune are slippery. 幸福的腳步是滑溜溜的。 4. Our worst misfortunes are those which never befall us. 最不幸的就是從來沒有發生在我們身上的不幸事故。 5. One misfortune rides upon another's back. (One misfortune comes on the neck of another.) 禍不單行。 6. No man is content with his lot. 沒有人會滿足自己的命運。 7. Misfortunes tell us where fortune is. 不幸才知幸福好。憶苦思甜。 8. Misfortunes never come singly. (Misfortunes seldom come singly.) 禍不單行。 9. Misfortunes hasten age. 不幸催人老。 10.Misfortunes find their way even on the darkest night. 甚至在黑夜裏,不幸也不會迷路。 11. Misfortunes come of themselves. 不幸來自不幸。 12. Misfortunes are helpful and instructive. 不幸是有益的。 13. Misfortune tastes the sincerity of friends. 只有在不幸時才能體驗到朋友的真誠。患難見真情。 14. Misfortune is a good teacher. 不幸是良師。 15. Misfortune arrives on horseback but departs on foot. (Misfortune comes on wings and departs on foot) 不幸,來得快,去得慢。不幸,來如風雨,去似微塵。 Forgive and Forget (寬恕與忘記) 1. A man apt to promise is apt to forget. 容易作出承諾的人,也很容易忘掉他的承諾。 2. By forgetness of injuries we show ourselves superior to them. 忘記創傷就不會被創傷所傷害。 3. Do not forget little kindness and do not remember small faults. [Chinese Proverb] 小善不忘,小錯不念。(中國諺語) 4. Forgive all but thyself. [French Proverb] 寬恕所有的人,但別輕易寬恕自己。將恕己之心恕人。(阿拉伯諺語) 5. Forgive and forget injuries, but never forget benefits. 對於別人的加害,寬恕他,忘了一切; 受了別人的恩惠,卻不應忘記。 6. Forgive and forget. 不念舊惡。既往不咎。 7. Forgiveness from the heart is better than a box of gold. [Moorish Proverb] 一顆寬仁之心重於一箱黃金。(摩爾諺語) 8. Forgiveness is perfect when the sin is not remembered. 當罪被赦免時,寬恕是完美的。 9. He that does you an ill turn will never forgive you. 以怨報德的人,絕不會寬恕別人。 10. He that forgives gains the victory. [African Proverb] 寬恕敵人的人,才獲得勝利。(非洲諺語) 11. He who forgives others, God forgives him. 寬恕別人者,神必寬恕他。 12. To err is human, to forgive divine. Freedom and Liberty(自由與自由權) 1. Who receives a gift, sells his liberty. 接受禮物者,出賣自由。 2. Who loses his liberty loses all. 失去自由,就失去一切。 3. Where liberty is, there is my country. [Latin Proverb] 那裡有自由,那裡就是我的國家。(拉丁諺語) 4. Too much liberty spoils all. 太多的自由破壞一切。 5. To receive a favor is to sell your liberty. [Latin Proverb] 接受好處就等於出賣自由。(拉丁諺語) 6. No man is free who cannot command himself. 不能自我控制的人不算自由。 7. My country is dear but liberty is dearer. [Latin Proverb] 國家雖珍貴,自由更可貴。(拉丁諺語) 8. Liberty is not licence. 自由並非執照。 9. Liberty is more worth than gold. 自由抵萬金。 Friend and Enemy (朋友與敵人) 1. A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父親是寶藏,兄弟是安逸,但朋友兩者皆是。 2. A flattering friend is your worst enemy. [Danish Proverb] 諂媚之友是你最可怕的敵人。(丹麥諺語) 3. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 與其袋中有錢,不如朝中有人。 4. A friend in court makes the process short. 朝上有人好做官。近官得力,近廚得食。 5. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難之友才是真友。 6. A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二個自己。 7. A friend is best found in adversity. 災難見真友。風雨故人來。 8. A friend is proved in distress. 災難見真友。 9. A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same. 朋友就是一位最能了解你,同樣關愛你的人。 10. A friend should bear a friend's infirmities. 朋友應該容忍朋友的缺點。 11. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. (A friend to all is a friend to none.) 人盡可友的人,不是真正朋友。濫交者無友。 12. A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。 13. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. [French Proverb] 人 生無友猶如生活中無太陽。(法國諺語) Gain and Loss (得與失) 1. A man may lose more in an hour than he can get in seven. 一小時所損失的遠超過七小時所獲得的。易失難得。 2. A tale never loses in the telling. 加鹽加醋。 3. All gains are made at some sacrifice. 一切收穫都是來自犧牲。 4. All is not lost that’s in peril. 危險不等於完蛋。 5. Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. 勿逐其影而忘其形。(不要捨本逐末。) 6. Covet all and lose all. 貪婪愈多,失去也愈多。 7. Do not seek dishonest gains, dishonest gains are losses. 不義之財不可貪;貪來之財也走失。 8. Future gains are uncertain. 未來的收穫是不易確定的。 9. Gain at the expense of reputation should be called loss. [Publius Syrus] 犧牲名譽而獲利,應該說是損失。(塞魯士) 10. Gain savors sweetly from anything. 收穫的滋味比任何東西來得甜美。 11. Grasp all, lose all. 樣樣都抓,等於不抓。 12. Great gain makes work easy. 重大收穫使工作順利。 13. Great pain and little gain will make a man soon weary. 辛勞多,收穫少,很快使人疲倦不堪。 14. He who does not gain loses. 逆水行舟,不進則退。 15. If you agree to carry the calf, they’ll make you carry the cow. 人善有人欺,馬善有人騎。 16. Pour water into a sieve. 竹籃打水一場空。 17. Failure teaches success. 失敗乃成功之母。 18. A dime a dozen. (一毛錢可以買一打)俯拾即是。 Genius and Talent(天才與天賦) 1. The son of a talented father is bound to be talented. [Chinese Proverb] 將門有將。(中國諺語) 2. The genius, wit, and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs. [Francis Bacon] 一個國家的天賦,機智和精神從它的諺語中表露無遺。(培根) 3. Talent develops itself in solitude; character in the stream of life. 孤獨可以培養一個人的才能;人生的波濤足以培養一個人的性格。 4. Perseverance is sometimes more effective than genius. 堅忍有時比天賦更有效。 5. It requires more than mere genius to be an author. 一個作家所俱備的不僅僅是才華而巳。 6. Initiative results more from sustained effort than from genius. 進取心來自不斷的努力多於來自天賦。 7. Great talents mature late. 大器晚成。 8. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine perspiration. 天才是一分的靈感和九十九分的汗水。 9. Genius is boiling desire. 天才乃慾望之沸騰。 10. Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. 天賦乃辛勞工作的無限能力。 11. Genius is an aptitude for work. 天賦就是俱備工作的才能。 Give and Take (施與受) 1. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患無辭。 2. Give a lie twenty-four hours' start and you can never overtake it. 要是「謊言」先跑二十四小時,誰也追不上它。一人傳虛,百人傳實。 3. Give a thief enough rope and he will hang himself. 欲擒先縱。 4. Give a thing and take a thing, to wear the devil's gold ring. 獻出又收回,就是戴上魔鬼的金戒指。 5. Give and spend, and God will send. 千金散盡還復來。 6. Give as good as one gets (takes). 針鋒相對。 7. Give credit where credit is due. 有功則償。 8. Give him an inch and he will take an ell. 得隴望蜀。得寸進尺。 9. Give knaves an inch and they will take a yard. 得寸進尺。 10. Give the devil his due. 對魔鬼也要公平。 11. Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you. 把你最好的獻給世人,世人就會把最好的回報給你。 12. Give us the tools and we will finish the job. 給我們工具,我們就會把工作做好。 沒傢沒伙,作什麼豆腐。 13. Giving much to the poor, doth enrich a man's store. 厚德載福。積善多福。 Gold and Gems(黃金與珠寶) 1.Unpolished pearls never shine. 未磨光的珠寶絕不會發亮。 2. The golden age was never the present age. ( 現代絕非黃金時代。) 人在福中不知福。 3. The diamonds of other countries are always the most beautiful. [Russian Proverb] 外國的鑽石總是最漂亮。(俄國諺語) 4. The balance distinguishes not between gold and lead. 大公無私。 5. No lock will hold against the power of gold. 財可通神。 6. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. 勿竭澤而漁。勿殺雞取卵。勿捨本逐末。 7. He that has gold may buy land. 有金斯有土。 8. Hares are caught with hounds, fools with praise, and women with gold. [German Proverb] 野免為獵犬所捕,傻瓜為讚美所惑,女人為黃金所迷。(德國諺語) 9. Gold will not buy everything. 黃金不能購買任何東西。 10. Gold has more worshippers than God. 黃金比上帝有更多崇拜者。拜金的人比拜神的人還要多。 11. Gold is the dust that blinds all eyes. 黃金使人眩目。 12. Gold is tried in the fire. 真金不怕火煉。真金不怕紅爐火。 God and Devil(上帝與魔鬼) 1. You cannot serve God and Mammon. [Matthew 6:24] 你們不能又事奉神,又事奉瑪門。(馬太福音6:24) 2. Where God will help, nothing does harm. 上帝若願意幫忙,無人會受到傷亡。 3. When the devil prays, he has a booty in his eye. 魔鬼禱告時,眼睛看著他的勝利品。 4. When rogues go in procession, the devil holds the cross. 流氓列隊前進時,魔鬼高舉十字架。 道高一尺,魔高一丈。 5. When God has his church, the devil will have his chapel. 上有政策,下有對策。 6. When fools make mistakes, they lay blame on Providence. 愚人犯錯,歸咎上帝。 7. We must not lie down and cry "God help us." 不可躺下來,只求上帝幫助。望天打卦。 8. Those whom the gods love die young. 神所愛的人早逝。蘭摧玉折。 9. The voice of the people is the voice of God. [Latin Proverb] 民之所欲,天必從之。(拉丁諺語) 10. The nearer the church, the farther from God. 離教堂愈近,離上帝愈遠。 11. The mills of God grind slowly. 上帝的磨坊慢慢磨。天網恢恢,疏而不漏。 12. The grace of God is enough. 神的恩典夠我用。 13. The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth. 上帝總是把堅果送給牙齒掉光的人。 14. When the devil was sick, the devil a monk would be; when the devil was well, the devil a monk was he. 平時不燒香,急來抱佛腳。 Happiness and Sorrow(快樂與憂傷) When sorrow is asleep, wake it not. 當憂傷睡覺時,不要吵醒它。 Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter. 積善之家必有餘慶。厚德載福。 Virtue alone is happiness. 為善至樂。 Two in distress make trouble less. 煩惱有伴不覺苦。同舟共濟。同病相憐。 True happiness consists in making happy. [Hindi Proverb] 真正的快樂在於使人快樂。(北印度諺語) There’s no cure for sorrow but to put it underfoot. 憂傷是無法治療的,唯有把它踩在腳下。 The man without thought for the future will surely have trouble close at hand. [Chinese Proverb] 人無遠慮,必有近憂。(中國諺語) Sorrows remembered sweeten present joy. 憂傷的回憶使眼前的喜悅甜美。 Sorrow is at parting if at meeting there be laughter. 相見歡笑離別憂。 Sorrow and an evil life makes soon an old wife. 憂愁和邪惡的生活很快使人變成老太婆。 Sin and sorrow are inseparable. 罪惡與憂傷難以分離。 Sadness and gladness succeed each other. 悲喜交集。禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。 Rust destroys iron, and grief the heart. [Russian Proverb] 生銹侵蝕鐵皿,憂愁傷害心靈。(俄國諺語) Remembrance often may start a tear. 回憶常帶來淚水。 High and Low(高與低) 1.Where the hedge is lowest, men may soonest over. (Where the hedge is lowest men leap over.) 避難就易。避重就輕。 2. The lower millstone grinds as well as the upper. 低磨高磨,一樣可以磨。 3. The highest branch is not the safest roost. 高枝非良棲。 4. The highest tree has the greatest fall. 樹長得愈高,倒得愈嚴重。 5. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. 爬得愈高,跌得愈慘。 6. The higher the mountain, the greater descent. 山愈高,峭壁愈陡。爬得愈高,跌得愈深。 7. The higher the hill, the lower the grass. 山愈高,草愈低。 8. The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail. 猿猴攀得愈高,它的尾巴愈顯露。 小人職位愈高,其弱點愈容易曝露。 9. The boughs that bear most hang lowest. 大丈夫能屈能伸。 10. Lowly sit, richly warm. 坐得低,較暖和。 11. Loftiest trees most dread the thunder. 最高的樹最易招惹雷電。 12. High cedars fall when low shrubs remain. 高大的柏樹被風吹倒時,矮灌木卻依然屹立不搖。 13. Hew not too high lest the chips fall in thine eye. 伐木時不要砍得太高,否則木屑會跑入你的眼睛。(勿好高騖遠,應實事求事。) 14. High places have their precipices. 凡是高的地方必有斷崖。 Hope and Optimism(盼望與樂觀) 1. Who live by hope will die by hunger. 因希望而活的人,卻因渴望而死。 2. While there is life there is hope. 有生命就有希望。留得青出在,不怕沒柴燒。 3. When things are at the worst they begin to mend. 否極泰來。苦盡甘來。 4. When one door shuts, another opens. 當一道門關閉時,另一道門會為你而開。天無絕人之路。 5. Trust your hopes and not your fears. 要信賴你的盼望,不要信賴你的恐懼。 6. The longest night will have an end. 最漫長的黑夜總會結束。否極泰來。 7. The longest day has an end. 最長的一天總會結束。好景不常。天下無不散之筵席。 8.The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的時刻是最黑暗的。曙光在望。 9.The bee sucks honey out of the bitterest flowers. 蜜蜂是從最苦的花朵中吸取花蜜。 10. Prospect is often better than possession. 盼望往往勝於擁有。 11.Never cross your bridges till you come to them. 船到橋頭自然直。 12.Look on the bright side. 往好處著想。要看人生的光明面。 13. A happy face means a glad heart. 人逢喜事,精神爽。 14. Blessings are ever waiting on virtuous acts. 吉人自有天相。 Hunger and Anger(饑餓與憤怒) 1. Wrath killeth the foolish man. [Job 5:2] 憤怒害死愚妄人。(約伯記5:2) 2. When anger blinds the mind, truth disappears. 怒氣蒙心時,真理便消失。 3. When a man grows angry, his reason rides out. 人在生氣時,他的理智,就會失控。 4. Short folk are soon angry. 小人易怒。 5.They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat. 不勞動,要挨餓。 6. Nothing comes amiss to a hungry man. 饑不擇食。 7. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. [Ephesians 4:26] 不可含怒到日落。(以弗所書4:26) 8. Kind words soften anger. 仁慈的話語使怒氣緩和。 9. Hungry dogs would eat dirty puddings. 饑者易為食。 10. Hungry bellies have no ears. 饑不擇食。 11. Hunger teaches many things. [Latin Proverb] 饑餓教會我們許多東西。(拉丁諺語) 12. Hunger obeys no laws. 三天不吃飯,什麼事都敢幹。 Hunger makes raw beans taste sugar. 饑餓時糟糠甜如蜜。 Hunger knows no delicacy. 饑不擇食。 Hunger is the best sauce. [French Proverb] 饑餓乃最佳之調味品。饑者易為食。(法國諺語) Hunger finds no fault with the cookery. 饑不擇食。 One sheep follows another. 羊群彼此倣效。 No marvel if the imps follow when the devil goes before. 魔鬼帶頭,難怪小鬼紛紛跟隨。 It is well to profit by the folly of others. 前車可鑒。 If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow. 一羊跳過水溝,眾羊相繼跟隨。 Do unto others as you would they should do unto you. [Luke 6:31] 你們願意人怎樣待你們,你們也要怎樣待人。(路加福音6:31) He preaches well that lives well. 言行一致。 Example is better than precept. 身教重於言教。 Do as I say, not as I do. 照著我的話去做,不要跟著我去做。(本身言行不符,卻要他人遵循其言而行。) Husband and Wife (丈夫與妻子) 1. A bad wife takes advice from every one but her own husband. 不好的妻子接納每個人的意見,卻不接納他丈夫的意見。 2. A good husband makes a good wife. 好夫有好妻。夫妻相好合。琴瑟與笙簧。 3. A good husband should be deaf and a good wife blind. [French Proverb] 好丈夫應該耳聾,好妻子應該眼瞎。(法國諺語) 4. A good wife and health are a man's best wealth. 賢妻與健康乃男人之最大的財富。 5. A good wife is a good portion. 賢妻便是好嫁妝。 6. A good wife makes a good husband. 好妻有好夫。夫妻相好合。琴瑟與笙簧。 7. A man without a wife is but half a man. 人無賢妻只能算是半個人。 8. A man's best fortune or his worst is his wife. 一個男人最好和最壞的財富就是他的妻子。 9. A poor man who takes a rich wife, has a ruler, not a wife. [Greek Proverb] 窮人娶了富妻等於娶了一位統治者而不是一個妻子。 (希臘諺語) 10. An evil wife converts a man's house into a hell on earth. 邪惡的妻子使家庭變成人間地獄。 Kindness and Cruelty(仁慈與殘酷) Write injuries in dust, kindness in marble. 把傷害寫在灰塵中,把仁慈寫在大理石上。 There is kindness to be found everywhere. 仁慈到處可見。 The poor man is often rich in kindness. 窮人經常富於仁慈。 Sometimes clemency is cruelty, and cruelty clemency. 有時候寬厚是殘酷,殘酷也是寬厚。 One kindness is the price of another. 一方的仁慈是另一方的代價。 Kindness is often better than force. 仁慈常勝過武力。 Kindness is noblest weapon to conquer with. 仁愛乃征服人類之最高貴兵器。 Kindness is nobler than revenge. 仁慈比報復更高貴。 Kindness comes of will. 仁慈來自意志。 Kind words soften anger. 仁慈的話語使怒氣緩和。 Kind hearts are the garden; kind thoughts are the roots; kind words are the flowers; kind deeds are the fruits. 仁慈的心是花園;仁慈的思想是根莖; 仁慈的話語是花朵;仁慈的行為是果實。 Kind hearts are more than coronets. [A. L. Tennyson] 仁慈的心勝於冠冕。(但尼生) Kind words heal wounded hearts. 仁慈的話語可以治療創傷的心靈。 Injury should be recompensed with kindness. 傷害應以仁慈來彌補。 Kind words do not wear the tongue. 仁慈的話語不會磨損舌頭。 Cruelty is the first attribute of the devil. 殘酷是魔鬼的第一屬性。 Labor and Idleness(勞動與怠惰) Work while you work, and play while you play; that is the way to be happy and gay. 工作時工作,遊戲時遊戲;這才是幸福之道。 Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit. [German Proverb] 工作雖苦,其果甜蜜。(德國諺語) Work for all you're worth and you'll be worth more. 盡全力工作,你會更有價值。 When you play, play hard. When you work, don't play at all. 遊玩時,盡情遊玩;工作時,竭力工作。 Whatever you do, do with all your might. 不管做怎麼事,盡全力去做。 Whatever you do, do it well. 不管做怎麼事,都要把它做好。 What is worth doing is worth doing well. 凡是值得做的事情,就值得好好去做。 We should push our work; the work should not push us. 是我們推動工作,不是工作推動我們。 The laborer is worthy of his hire. [Luke 10:7] 工人得工價是應當的。(路加福音10:7) The surest way to be happy is to be busy. 最確切的幸福之道,就是使自己忙碌。 The devil finds work for idle hands to do. 魔鬼找事給游手好閒的人去做。小人閒著為不善。 Want is the mother of industry. 需要為勤勉之母。窮則變,變則通。 Of idleness comes no goodness. 懶惰不會帶來好處。 Industry pays debts, while despair increases them. 懇勤可以清償債務,失望只會徒增債務。 It is only the idle that are wretched. 唯有懶惰的人才是卑鄙的人。 Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth. 手腳勤快可以餬口。 Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 勤儉為富貴之本。 Industry is the parent of success. 勤勉為成功之本。 Lady and Gentleman (淑女與紳士) 1. A gentleman ought to travel abroad, but dwell at home. 紳士應該到海外旅行,但要在本國定居。 2. A gentleman will do like a gentleman. 紳士的言行舉止要表現出像一位紳士。 3. A gentleman without an estate is like a pudding without suet. 紳士沒有產業猶如布丁缺少了板油。 4. A thief passes for a gentleman when thieving has made him rich. 成則為王,敗則為寇。 5. Faint heart ne'er won fair lady. 懦弱的人永遠得不到美人的歡心。 6. He is a gentleman that has gentle conditions. 有紳士風度的人才是紳士。 7. It is not good manners to show your learning before ladies. 在女士面前炫耀自己的學問是失禮的。 8. It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 彩色繽紛的衣服不能塑造紳士。 9. It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 塑造一位紳士需要花上三代時光。 10. Jack would be a gentleman if he could speak French. 只要會說法語,人人可做紳士。 11. Jack would be a gentleman if he had money. 只要有錢,人人可做紳士。 12. Manners and money make a gentleman. 禮貌和金錢塑造名流。 13. The king can make a knight, but not a gentleman. 國王能夠塑造武士,卻不能塑造紳士。 14. You a lady, I a lady, who will milk the cow? 你是淑女,我是淑女,誰來擠牛奶。 Law and Justice (法律與正義) 1. A good lawyer does not go to law himself. [Italian Proverb] 好的律師本人不會訴諸法律。(義大利諺語) 2. A good lawyer must be a great liar. 好的律師一定是偉大的說謊者。 3. Be just before you are generous. 先小人後君子。 4. Be just to all, but trust not all. 對所有的人要公正,但不要信賴所有的人。 5. Every law has a loophole. 每一項法律都有漏洞。一法立,一弊生。 6. Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well. 律師少有善終,醫生少有悠閒。 7. Go before God with justice, before the judge with money. 帶著公義見上帝;帶著金錢見法官。 8. Go to law for a sheep and lose your cow. 為了一隻羊訴諸法律,就會輸掉一隻牛。 9. Good laws often proceed from bad manners. 好的法律常常是由不良的禮貌而生。 10. Good lawyer, bad neighbor. [French Proverb] 好的律師是壞的鄰居。(法國諺語) 11. Hunger obeys no laws. 三天不吃飯,什麼事都敢幹。 12. Ignorance does not avert the law. 無知的人不懂得躲避法律。 13. In justice is all virtue found in sum. 簡言之,所有美德都是在正義中尋獲。 14. Just notions will grow into good actions. 公正的信念孕育出良好的作為。 15. Justice has long arms. 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。 16. Justice is a noble quality. 正義是高貴的素養。 17. Justice is higher than expediency. 正義優於權宜。 Life and Death (生與死) 1. A cat has nine lives. 貓有九命。 2. A dead bee makes no honey. 死的蜜蜂不會釀蜜。 3. A dead mouse feels no cold. 死的老鼠不覺得寒冷。 4. A fair death honors the whole life. [Jonathan Swift] 死得正直,一生光榮。(斯威夫特) 5. A live ass is better than a dead lion. A living ass is better than a dead doctor. A live dog is better than a dead lion. (活驢勝過死獅。) 好死不如賴活 6. A long life has long miseries. 漫長的人生多苦難。 7. A man can die but once. (A man can only die once.) [Hebrews 9:27] 人人都有一死。(希伯來書9:27) 8. All men are mortal. 人人都有一死。 9. An evil life is a kind of death. [Ovid] 邪惡的生活,便是死亡的一種。(奧維德) 10. As a man lives, so shall he die. 有生必有死。 11. Better die a beggar than live a beggar. 不食嗟來之食。 11. Bread is the staff of life. 麵包是生命的依靠。民以食為先。 12. Call no man happy till he is dead. 人未死不能說他快樂。蓋棺論定。 Literature and Writing(文學與寫作) The thought has good legs, and the quill a good tongue. 思想能跑,翎筆能言。 The pen is the tongue of the hand. 筆桿猶如手中之舌。 The pen is mightier than the sword. 。 筆比劍更厲害。筆桿強過槍桿。文勝於武 The first principle and source of all good writing is to think justly. [Horace] 一切好的作品之首要原則就是正確的思考。(賀瑞斯) One who has literary tastes is rarely expert in military exercises. 有文學氣質的人,在軍事演習上也是一位難能可貴的專家。 Make authorship your avocation, not your vocation. 把寫作當作你的副業,不要把它當作正業。 Literature is a good staff but a bad crutch. 文學是好的支柱,卻是壞的拐杖。 Literature is a good crutch, but a very bad walking stick. 文學是好的拐杖,卻是壞的手杖。 Life without literature is death. [Latin Proverb] 沒有文學的人生雖生猶死。(拉丁諺語) Brevity is in writing what charity is to all other virtues. 簡潔之於寫作猶如寬恕之於所有其他美德。 Man and Woman (男與女) 1. A bad woman is worse than a bad man. 壞女人比壞男人更壞。 2. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks. 男人覺得自己多老,就有多老; 女人看起來多老,就有多老。 男人年紀憑感覺,女人年紀憑外貌。 3. A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. 一個窮光棍的男人勝過一個腰纏百萬的女人。 4. A woman conceals what she knows not. 女人隱藏她所不知道的。(意指女人會說出所知道的一切。) 5. A woman has an eye more than a man. 女人比男人多長一隻眼睛。 6. A woman is flax, a man is fire, the devil comes and blows the bellows. 女人是風,男人是火,魔鬼來煽風點火。 7. A woman is the weaker vessel. 女人是弱者。 8. A woman’s work is never done. 女人的家務事,永無休止。 9. A woman’s mind and winter wind change oft. 女人的心和冬天的風說變就變。水性楊花。 10. Choose neither a woman nor linen by candle-light. 選女人如選布,絕不可只憑燭光。 11. Deeds are males, and words are females. 「做」是男人的事,「說」是女人的事。 12. Gaming, women and wine, while they laugh they make men pine. 賭博,女人和酒,發作時使男人憔悴。 13. Man is the head, but woman turns it. 男人雖有權威,卻受到女人支配。 14. Men get wealth and women keep it. 男人謀財,女人守財。 Peace and War (和平與戰爭) 1. A bad peace is even worse than war. [Whitman] 不好的和平甚至比戰爭更壞。(惠特曼) 2. A deceitful peace is more hurtful than an open war. 明槍易躲,暗箭難防。 3. A just war is better than an unjust peace. 公平的戰爭勝過不公平的和平。 4. Better an egg in peace than an ox in war. 和平時一隻蛋勝過戰爭時一隻牛。 5. By wisdom peace, by peace plenty. 智慧生和平,和平生富裕。 6. He that makes a good war, makes a good peace. 奮勇作戰的人才能獲得真正的和平。 7. He that will not have peace, God gives him war. 不愛和平的人,上帝賜他們戰爭。 8. If you wish for peace, be prepared for war. (If you want peace, you must prepare for war.) 欲求和平,必須準備戰爭。 9. In peace prepare for war. 和平時不忘備戰。 10. It is safest making peace with sword in hand. 手握兵器談和平最安全。 Question and Answer (問與答) 1. A soft answer turneth away wrath. [Proverbs 15:1] 回答柔和,使怒消退。(箴言15:1) 2. Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer. 發出愚蠢的問題,就會得到愚蠢的答案。 3. Ask and it shall be given you. [Matthew 7:7] 你們祈求,就給你們。(馬太福音7:7) 4. Ask no questions and hear no lies. (Ask no questions and be told no lies.) 不發問,就聽不見謊言。是非終日有,不聽自然無。 5. Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler. 避開好問者,因他也是是非人。 6. Better to ask the way than go astray. 路在嘴邊,一問便知。不問不知,迷路無知。 7. He that asks faintly begs a denial. 軟弱的請求換來拒絕的回覆。 8. He that cannot ask, cannot live. 一事不問之人,則無法生存。 9. He that nothing questions, nothing learns. (He that nothing questioneth nothing learneth.) 什麼事都不問的人,什麼事都學不會。 10. He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. 畏問者,恥於學。 11. It is not every question that deserves an answer. 並非每個問題都有答案。 12. Like question, like answer. 有怎樣的問題,就有怎樣的回答。 13. Never answer a question until it is asked. 不需要回答的時候,不要回答。 14. No answer is also an answer. 不回答也是回答。 15. The shortest answer is doing. 最簡短的回答就是實際去做。 16. There are two sides to every question . [Latin Proverb] 每個問題都有兩面。(拉丁諺語) Rich and Poor (富與貧) 1. A beggar's purse is always empty. 乞丐存不住錢。 2. A hut is a palace to a poor man. 窮人的茅舍就是他的宮殿。 3. A man's wealth is his enemy. 一個人的財富正是他的敵人。 4. A poor man's tale cannot be heard. 人微言輕。 5. A rich man's joke is always funny. 富人的笑話總是好笑。 6. All ask if a man be rich, none if he be good. [Latin Proverb] 仁義盡從貧處斷,世情偏看有錢家。人情冷暖,世態炎涼。 (拉丁諺語) 7. An avaricious man is always needy. 貪婪的人總是貧困的。 8. An empty sack cannot stand upright. 空袋子立不起來。衣食足而後知榮辱。 9. Bashfulness is an enemy to poverty. 害羞是貧窮的敵人。 10. Better be envied than pitied. 寧讓人羨慕,也不讓人同情。 11. Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery. 寧願襤褸上天堂,也不願衣錦下地獄。 不戚戚於貧賤,不汲汲於富貴。 12. Better poverty without care, than richness with. 無憂無慮的貧窮生活勝過於富裕卻憂愁的生活。 13. Children are poor men's riches. 孩子是窮人的財富。 14. Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces. 住在茅舍比住在皇宮來得快樂。 Similarity and Difference (相同與相異) 1. All roads lead to Rome. 條條大路通羅馬。異途同歸。 2. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚。氣味相投。 3. Every one to his taste. 人各有所好。蘿蔔青菜,各有所愛。仁者見仁,智者見智。 4. Every shoe fits not every foot. 順得哥情失嫂意。 5. Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。 6. He that all men will please shall never find ease. 要討好每一個人的人永遠不得安寧。 7. If one will not, another will. 人棄我取,人取我與。 8. It takes all sorts to make a world. 大千世界。 9. Like author, like book. 有怎樣的作家,就有怎樣的作品。書如其人。 10. Like blood, like good, and like age make the happiest marriage. 相同的血統,相同的期望,和相同的年歲使婚姻美滿。 11. Like breeds (begets) like. 龍生龍,鳳生鳳。 12. Like cures like. 心病還需心藥醫。以毒攻毒。 13. Like draws to like. 同明相照。同類相求。志趣相投。沆瀣一氣。 14. Like father, like son. 有其父,必有其子。 15. Like for like. 恩報恩,仇報仇。 Success and Failure (成與敗) 1. Complete cooperation is vital to success. 徹底的合作是成功的重要條件。 2. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是邁向成功之路的第一步。 3. Deserve success and you shall command it. 得著成功,才可支配成功。 4. Distress offers opportunities for the obtaining of success. 逆境給予獲得成功的機會。 5. Every failure teaches a man something, if he will but learn. 要是人願意學習的話,每次的失敗都會教導他一些。 6. Failure is one thing that can be achieved without effort. 失敗是一件不用努力即可獲得的東西。 7. Failure is the foundation of success. 失敗是成功的基礎。 8. Failure is the mother of success. (Failure teaches success.) 。 失敗乃成功之母 9. Failures are stepping stones to success for strong hearts determined to persevere. 失敗乃成功之踏腳石,因為意志堅強的人有堅忍的毅力。 10. He loses indeed that loses last. 最後失敗者才是真正的失敗。 11. Man learns little from success, but much from failure. [Arabic Proverb] 人從 成功中學到者少,從失敗中學到者則多。(阿拉伯諺語) 12. Many men have failed through lack of decision. 許多人因缺乏果斷而失敗。 13. Mere talking tends only to failure. 空談只會導致失敗。 Teaching and Learning (教與學) 1. A good teacher is the intellectual father of his pupils. 良師乃學生的智慧之父。 2. A little learning is a dangerous thing. [Alexander Pope] 一知半解,危險之至。(波普) 3. A man may learn wit every day. 每個人每天都要學習機智。 4. A man should learn to sail in all winds. [Italian Proverb] 一個人應在各種風向下學習航行。(義大利諺語) 5. An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of learning. 一分辨別力抵過十分學問。 6. Better learn by your neighbor's skaith than by your own. 從別人的教訓中學習勝過從自己的教訓中學習。 7. Better untaught than ill taught. 書。 接受不良的教育不如不接受教育。盡信書不如無 8. By learning one learns how to learn. 透過學習,人可以學會如何學習。 9. Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 別班門弄斧。 10. He teaches ill, who teaches all. 樣樣都教樣樣糟。 11. He that teaches himself, has a fool for his master. 無師自通的人把傻瓜當作師傅。 12. He who teaches, learns. 教學相長。 13. In doing we learn. 邊做邊學。經一事,長一智。 14. It is right to be taught even by an enemy. [Latin Proverb] 甚至敵人的教訓也是好的。(拉丁諺語) Today and Tomorrow (今日與明日) 1. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. 今日一隻蛋勝過明日一隻雞。 明日雖有一銀圓,不若今日一文錢。 2. Don't long for tomorrow. If you do, you will waste today. 勿指望明天。要是這樣的話,你將浪費今天。 3. Drunken days have all their tomorrows. 樂極生悲。 4. Fear not the future; weep not for the past. 不要畏懼未來,也不要為過去而哭泣。 5. He that falls today may rise tomorrow. 東山再起。捲土重來。重整旗鼓。 6. Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday--but never jam today. [Lewis Carroll] 明天有果醬,昨天有果醬,但是今天就是沒有果醬。 (加罪爾) 7. Live only for today, and you ruin tomorrow. 只為今天而活,失敗就在明天。 8. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 今日事,今日畢。 9. One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 今天一小時勝於明天兩小時。機不可失。 10. One today is worth two tomorrows. 一個今天抵得上兩個明天。 11. The best time to worry is tomorrow. 最佳的憂慮時間就是明天。 12. Think today and speak tomorrow. 熟思而後言。 13. To a lazy man, tomorrow is always the best day of the year. 懶人總認為明天是一年中最好的日子。 Wisdom and Foolishness (智慧與愚昧) 1. A fool always finds a bigger fool to praise him. [French Proverb] 傻瓜總是找到一個比他更傻的人來稱讚他。(法國諺語) 2. A fool may give a wise man counsel. 愚者可以給智者忠告。愚者千慮,必有一得。 3. A fool’s bolt is soon shot. 愚者易竭其智。黔驢之技易窮。蠢人沉不住氣。 4. A fool’s haste is no speed. 瞎忙快不了。急急忙忙,想快反慢。 5. A fool’s voice is known by multitude of words. 話多者蠢。 6. A man cannot leave his wisdom or his experience to his heirs. [Italian Proverb] 一個人的智慧和經驗不能傳授給他的繼承人。(義大利諺語) 7. A still tongue makes a wise head. 舌頭少動,則頭腦精明。沉默為智。 8. A wise man always knows when to stop for breathing space. 有智慧的人常知道該在怎麼時候停下來休息。 9. A wise man is never less alone than when alone. 智者獨處時最不寂寞。 10. A wise man knows his own ignorance; a fool thinks he knows everything. 智者了解自己的無知,愚者自以為自己無所不知。 11. A wise man never wants a weapon. 智者從來不需要武器。 12. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. 智者創造的機會比他所找到的更多。 中國諺語的英譯 天涯何處無芳草。 There are other fish in the sea. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。 Where there is life, there is hope. 畫虎畫皮難畫骨,知人知面不知心。 It is easy to draw a tiger's skin but difficult to know ones’ heart. 富在深山有遠親,窮在鬧市無近鄰。 A rich man who lives in the distant mountain may have relatives from far-away places. A poor man who lives in the city may not have friends in the neighborhood. 人生不滿百,常懷千年憂。 A man does not live a hundred years, yet he worries enough for a thousand. 生不帶來,死不帶去。 At birth we bring nothing; at death we take away nothing. 前事不忘後事之師。 By not forgetting past events, we can take them as guides in future events. 一將功成萬骨枯。 The blood of the soldiers makes the glory of the general. 良言一句三冬暖。 A single kind word keeps one warm for three winters. 巧媳婦難為無米之炊。 Even a clever daughter-in-law finds it hard to cook without rice. 學海無涯,惟勤是岸。 Knowledge, like a sea, is boundless; only through hard study can one reach the destination. 學好千日不足,學壞一時有餘。 To learn what is good, a thousand days are not enough; to learn what is evil, an hour is too long. 開卷有益。 You cannot open a book without learning something. 腰纏萬貫,不若薄技在身。 It is better to learn a certain trade than to possess a large fortune. 疑人莫用,用人莫疑。 Never employ the man you suspect, nor suspect the man you employ. 親兄弟明算帳。 Even brothers keep careful accounts. 大智若愚。 Intelligent man looks dull. 出門看天色;進門看臉色。 Look at the weather when you step out; look at men's faces when you step in. 人皆有不忍人之心。 All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others. 畫虎不成反類犬。 He painted a tiger but it turned out a dog. 寧為雞首,不為牛後。 Better be the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox. 天下烏鴉一般黑。 Crows are black the whole world over.(The world is much the same everywhere.) 亡羊補牢,猶未晚也。 It is never too late to mend. 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。 It's better to return home and make a net than long for fish on the edge of the pond. 童心如佛心。 The heart of a little child is like the heart of the Buddha. 居安思危。 To think of danger in time of peace. 三思而後行。 Look before you leap. 是非只為多開口。 Mischief all comes from much opening of the mouth. 人心不足蛇吞象。 A man whose heart is not contented is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant. 當局者迷。 Men are blind in their own cause. 有錢能使鬼推磨! Money talks! 樹大招風。 Tall trees catch much wind.